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Places of interest

City Symbol 

Facing the building of Visaginas Municipality Administration, on a high stela stands the bird rising to the floating clouds with its wings widely-spread – the first symbol of the city. Visaginas is a satellite of one of the most powerful power plants in the world, thus, the crane depicted in the coat of arms of the city has for a long time been a symbol of prudence and vigilance.
Memorial Stone of the City 

The construction of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant stimulated the development of the plans of a new city. In the summer of 1975, the builders of the power plant brought a huge stone and put it near the first block of apartments. The shape of the stone for many reminds the territory of Lithuania. This stone became a cornerstone of the city and the day when it was brought (10 August) was declared the city birthday. 
  Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant

For more information about the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant and its history, visit the Information Centre of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant located at Drūkšinių Village, Visaginas Municipality. 
The Information Centre is open on working days from 8:00 to 16:00. You have to inform about your visit in advance by calling: (8 386) 29 911, 29 719, 31 998, 24 063.
  Aquaria Parlour/Museum 

This is the first private aquaria exposition of such scale in Lithuania. The area of 140 sq. m. exhibits eleven aquaria of 600 l, three aquaria of 700 l and twelve aquaria of 80-180 l capacity. The aquaria are home for more than 60 species of freshwater tropical fish, where they dwell, grow and breed. 
Jaunystės str. 21, Visaginas
Phone No. 8 (686) 15 021
  Ethnographical Museum 
You will feel a live spirit of traditions with the first step into the museum – a real samogitian’s cottage and their daily routine. There is an antique bed, a table and chairs, books, a bedcover with the most beautiful patterns woven and a cradle for a baby. The museum is located in Verdenės Secondary School, address: Taikos av. 21, Phone No. 8 (656) 09 775.
  The Grave of the World War II Victims in Taikos Avenue and Kosmoso Crossroad
  Visaginas St. Paul’s Church

The construction works of the church began in 1995; major works were completed until 2001. That is a modern building with a quadrangular belfry.
Address: Santarvės str. 1, Visaginas
  Visaginas St. Panteleimon Orthodox Church

The construction works began in 1993 and in 2001 it was reconstructed into an orthodox church named after a martyr and doctor Panteleimon since it is one of the most celebrated saints for Orthodox believers; according to the priest, many people in the City need help of both earthly and heavenly doctors.  
Address: Taikos av. 4, Visaginas
  Visaginas Orthodox Church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

This orthodox church is a modern building. This is a two-storey brick building that was built in 1992. The location of the church is easy to reach for parishioners since the church is located among blocks of apartments. It is the place of public worship and baptism ceremonies for parishioners. 
Address: Sedulinos av. 73 A, Visaginas

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